The North Star
If you want to achieve real growth in your business. The goal of your day every day should be to execute activities that actually grow your business.
This is what’s called time-priority alignment and it’s very common to NOT have alignment.
What I mean is we SAY to ourselves “I want to grow my sales this week”, but when you reflect on your actions on a Friday afternoon, you realise the time spent actually working on the actions to achieve your goals can be tiny.
Even I struggle with this too BTW.
Your mind plays tricks on you.
Your ‘busy day’ was spent on emails, admin, product shipments and preparing for packing…
What about new customer generation?
The only way to diagnose if this is happening in your life is to reflect.
You must reflect at the end of each day and/or each week to ensure your daily activities and habits are leading you in the direction you want to go.
Then when you realise you are off course, you return to your North Star.
Do you have a North Star?

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If your priority is to grow your subscription box business…
Every day when you begin working on your box you must ask yourself.
“What can I do today to get 10 sales?”
“Is the work I’m doing going to directly lead to growth in my box?”
That must be your North Star.
Often we can turn up for work and get busy with all the tasks, then as we work we realize other tasks that have to be done.
So we jot them down for tomorrow or if we’re lucky we can outsource some of them.
Tasks, tasks, tasks
The problem is when you get caught up in the nitty gritty, and you look up after a few days, weeks or months and realize ‘I haven’t actually grown my business one bit.’
We’ve gotten better at this over the years so don’t feel bad if this is you, but try to prioritize your day with tasks that actually move the needle.
When you’re planning your day today or tomorrow….
Look at your to-do list and say out loud “Do these tasks get me more subscribers?”
If not, outsource them, or scrap them and do higher-value work.
The time you spend is not as important as the work you do or the focus you bring to it