The Email that Changed Everything: Unveiling the Power of Email Marketing & Crafting Irresistible Offers for Your Subscription Box!

The Email that Changed Everything: Unveiling the Power of Email Marketing & Crafting Irresistible Offers for Your Subscription Box!

The email that cost me 3 grand

This week I got an email from Ryanair asking me am I hitting the slopes this winter?

I’ve never been skiing before in my life

But it planted a seed in my head

I remembered my friend asking me to go in June

I messaged him and asked him where he’s going

By the end of the day I was booked

This is the power of email marketing

I’ve been on this email list for years

I open a lot of their emails about seat sales, new destinations etc etc

But one day they caught me with the right message at the right time

And took over £500 off of me from one email – with no CAC

I also spent even more on accommodation, ski lessons and transfers (3 grand ish all in)

It made me realise how personal email is too

If it was an ad there would have been an inherent defense wall that I put up

A fear of buying from an ad, from social media, where bad things go up and anger & outrage abounds

In the email inbox, its personal, it’s safe and it’s comfortable – the perfect environment for a sales message

Long story short I got nabbed by an email and now I’m going Skiing in January!

Moral of the story, build your email list.

  1. Create a signup flow on to collect up to 30% of your site visitors to email leads (this is where we get 95% of our emails from with no ad spend)

  2.  Set up automations to send them back to your site to buy

  3. Email them at least 2x weekly for free extra sales

    Ask me if you need any help – I’ll happily point you in the right direction because I know for a fact most founders are leaving money and sales on the table

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Your offer is the key to your subscription box growth

A mediocre website with an unbelievable offer converts better than great looking website with a bad offer

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Would you like some help crafting an offer that converts? Reply to me and I’ll help you out.

We can have the exact same website up but if the offer doesn’t resonate then our sales drop off a cliff

Once you master your offer you will see the results you want

Trust me

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