What are the 20% of your activities that bring 80% of the results?
This is called the Pareto principle
It essentially means most people spend 80% of their time doing things that bring 20% of their results
I used to do a lot of one thing – blogging
When we first launched BusterBox almost 7 years ago we had no skills, no clue and no hope LOL
I used to spend my days writing blog articles, with the vague idea that we would start to generate traffic from SEO or by posting the articles on social media.
We could then turn that traffic into email leads which in turn would later become sales
Here’s why it doesn’t work (in the short term anyway)
The numbers are stacked against you
Amount of time required to write 3x articles per week – 18 hours
Amount of readers – 1000
Amount of leads collected – 60
Amount of sales from those leads – 1-2 (if we were very lucky)
Simply not everyone who sees your article on Facebook or Google will click it and read it
Even less people will read it and join the list
And even less will buy from the list anytime soon
So I spent 80% of my time doing something that got very little results
Now what we do is:
Run ads at our website and have our signup flow on the site
Run a great offer which generates interest – encouraging people to sign up
Of those who move down our flow 2% of them buy right away, 30% of them become email leads
Once on our email list, 5% of the list converts into customers over the next 30-90 days
Amount of time/effort required.
Come up with the offer – 2 hours
Get it on our website – 5 hours
Create the ads – 3 hours
Set up automations – 3 hours
Email 2-3x weekly to the entire list – 4 hours
Total – 17 hours
So I spend less time on this strategy…
What’s the results?
Well let’s take 1000 of the people that click our ads
2% convert on first view
30% become email subscribers
5% convert later (for free as email has no further cost)
1000 people becomes
20 subs
+300 email leads
Which then become 45 subs over the next 90 days
@ 5% email conversion rate
Total subs = 65 from every 1000 visitors
Increase traffic = more subscribers
Pro tip: the other 255 email leads don’t disappear. They stay on our list for 1-10 years. They can buy at any time. They can buy something else from us. They can be dormant for years before buying anything. We still have them as a lead.
This is why building a system is the #1 most effective thing you can do to grow your box.
I’ve said it many times but every single person I’ve ever worked with who’s not getting the results they want always ALWAYS has a problem in 1 or more of these categories:
- Optimize your website to convert (imagery, copy, design, offer, social proof)
- Set up an email capture and sales sequence (Signup flow, automations 2-3x weekly broadcast)
- Drive Traffic via ads (research competitors, build ads around your offer, create hooks to grab attention)
Every single time.
Every single time.

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What is your why?
Are you suffering from procrastination?
Ask yourself this question: why did I start my business?
What do I want to achieve
What is my end goal
Why are those my goals?
Why do I want to achieve that?
When you think deeply about it – it becomes about family, love, freedom and happiness
Financial freedom, a happy family, respect, comfort and contentment
Those are some seriously big goals to go after in life
If I were you I would write them down
Put them on a notepad either digitally or in paper form
Refer back to them often
When things get tough, and when things are good
Remember your why
It can light a fire under your ass when you got discouraged, lazy or too busy scrolling Instagram instead of putting the work in (I do this BTW)
Remember your goals – only you can achieve them.
People can help along the way but no-one will carry you