The main problem with email marketing for sub box founders is most people perceive it as
1) something that takes a lot of time
2) it doesn’t make any sales for them when they send emails
3) they feel they need to constantly come up with new content
4) they are afraid to be too sales-y to their list
Here’s the solution – ditch your newsletter if it takes you hours to write and gets you no sales.
Yes, ditch it
Of course I understand the irony of me telling you this in MY newsletter. But here’s the key difference, I am sending you this email to keep you engaged, educated and entertained. Hopefully I am doing that and if so then I have achieved my goal.
When I have my BusterBox hat on, I only want one thing and it’s the same as what you want – more subscribers.
– “But what about my newsletter subscribers?”
Let me answer this – if you enjoy writing a newsletter and delivering value to your blog readers and enjoy researching & creating content for the newsletter then go ahead with it. The subscription box sales emails have nothing to do with your newsletter and I wouldn’t expect you to generate much or any sales from it.
If however you hate sending your newsletter and you’re always scrambling on the day it’s supposed to go out for content, it takes hours of focus and time to create, you want it to start generating sales for your box, and each time you get exactly 0 sales from it, then it’s time to ditch the newsletter.
– Yes, I understand you are supposed to give value to your list, and that is something you should do, IF you have the time and resources to do it. Most founders I talk with however have a newsletter that just costs them time and doesn’t return any sales for their effort.
If you are a one person show in your business and you’re trying to grow your box, your newsletter is not a good use of your time, you would be better actually going for sales with your time and effort (and emails).
In order to do that, and to actually get sales from your emails, you should be sending 2x weekly broadcasts with new offers or updates trying to get people to BUY.
At the end of the day we are not content writers, we are sub-box founders looking to make sales and grow our business. If you are too afraid to send a sales email to your list because ‘they are used to receiving my newsletter’ then nothing will change with the results you get from your emails.
People expect to receive offers and sales emails from e-commerce companies. (mind = blown)
They expect content from news sites and an author’s newsletter (an author wants you to buy their next book in a year’s time, you want your list to buy your box today).
That’s the key difference.
So to recap: You can keep your newsletter if you simply love doing it and don’t mind investing the time and effort for little tangible sales results.
Or if you have limited time and resources and would like to start getting new subscribers for your box every time you send an email, then focus on sales emails and getting better at them.
How do I get better?
Here’s my top 5 tips 👉
Don’t Be Boring.
Use plenty of colours and imagery instead of long lines of text and empty whitespace
Have A New Angle
Don’t just bang the drum about the same stuff in every email – switch up the message or angle of each email you send.
Rotate Your Offers
Every 2 weeks or so you can swap out your offer for something different. Free gift, % discount, buy one get one free. New offers give you an excuse to keep emailing
Leverage Social Proof
Let other people tell your email list how great you are. Send emails about the positive reviews you got this month (use pictures for added kick)
Use Current Events
If everyone is talking about something, you can leverage that in your emails. Will Smith’s slap, the latest big news story, reference it in your emails and have some fun with it. Holidays and annual events are good too
If you want my help with your subscription box growth as always you can book a FREE 45min strategy call with me here.

Join my Newsletter
Schedule 2x 2-hour deep work blocks per day. If you fail to schedule them you will probably fail to do them. Resist distractions, I turn my phone on Do Not Disturb and put it off my desk. I plug in my headphones and use binaural beats from and I use to block distracting websites.
In these times we want to PRODUCE something of value. A sales email, a new ad, a new graphic for our homepage, a new funnel for a marketing test. By the end of the block you should have a tangible result. I started doing this at the beginning of 2023 and I’m loving it.
You can end up working for an entire week with no deep work done and nothing of value to show for it except reactivity to emails & messages and no solid results on the table.
P.S. – Read the book Deep Work by Cal Newport for more details