I started writing emails in 2016
I was NOT very good in the beginning
Since then, I’ve written hundreds of sales emails in and sold over $10 Million online.
Want to know a secret?
I (pretty much) use the same 4 email templates every time👇
- Offer-centric image email
Product Image
Clear high-value offer
3 bullets on benefits (save time, convenience, save money, access new products, increase in happiness/status)
- Social proof 5 star review + images
- Strong CTA
- FREE shipping
- Personal style yes email
Small talk: Hope the weather improves where you are, its terrible here
Connect with story: I found this product online and decided it would be a great add on to this months shipment.
This ended top totally changing my life this week for this reason.
Transition to the offer: If you want to get this result yourself, just reply yes
CTA & Urgency: I’ve got a few left in stock, but let me know by 11am tomorrow.
- Story to stealth close using Pastor
P = Problem
A = Amplify
S = Solution
T = Testimony (proof)
O = Offer
R = Response (CTA)
P = Sick of getting poor quality treats in your local pet shop? I read an article today that said cheap treats are loaded with traces of toxic metals…
A = Could make your dog very sick
S = Sign up for our healthy treats delivered and you won’t have to worry
T = All these happy customers can’t be wrong
O = 50% off today only
R = Get yours here
This amazing offer is going away in the next 24 hours
Totally fine if you don’t want it…
But something tells me you’re the kind of action take who doesn’t let these opportunities pass them by easily
Order today or forever be left wondering…
Last chance
Buy Now

Join my Newsletter
- Offer-centric image email
- Personal style yes email
- Story to stealth close using Pastor