Unsure why people are visiting your website but not buying?
Ask them.
Set up an automation that emails people 30 days after visiting your site but not purchasing.
Ask them why they didn’t buy
A personal toned email is best as you will get genuine human responses
You might hear –
“I didn’t know if it was for me because…”
“I didn’t know if my son/daughter/mother/father/dog/cat would like it”
“I wasn’t sure what I would be getting”
These are questions/concerns/objections that your website is not effectively answering or clarifying.
Use this feedback to make changes to your site to answer these for future visitors and watch as your conversions increase.

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Last week I went back to beginner
I went skiing last week for the first time, and it was a strange sensation to be called a beginner.
It’s the first time in a good few years that my beginner status was as exposed as it was last week.
Sure I play around with golf or tennis but no one really sees how bad or good you are if you play with 1 friend or hit some balls on the range but when you are skiing it is plainly obvious to everyone that you’re a beginner.
Last week there was a lot of public falling over, crashes and general humiliation at my poor coordination and skiing skills. It’s a difficult skill to learn and requires thick skin.
But I loved it more and more since I’m back (took a few days to recover) and I’m already planning my next trip.
I found it a strange sensation because usually day to day I portray myself as an expert or at least an experienced veteran of online business, subscription boxes & email marketing.
It got me thinking about how in the different areas of your life you are always in a different stage.
It’s a humbling thought.
I don’t have kids so in that arena when they one day hopefully arrive then I will be a total beginner.
I don’t play many sports but I have swung a golf club, kicked a football or played tennis before.
With skiing though it was ALL completely new, and very challenging.
The first 3 days especially… were more walking and carrying skis and cursing my lack of balance than actual skiing, so I didn’t find it very fun or relaxing at all.
The lesson I took from it was to embrace challenges because by the end of the week I was getting the hang of it. It became fun, when I got good.
– I had to endure in order to enjoy.
And that’s the same with business.
In the beginning it’s always tough, it’s always public and it’s rarely fun.
But embrace it as much as possible, because you will never be as bad as you were in the beginning again. Every day you make progress even if a small amount, just by learning.
If you fail, you’re simply learning what doesn’t work.
If you would like a shortcut to help you reduce the time spent in the painful zone and increase the time in the fun zone…
I encourage you to register for my FREE Sub Box email marketing training this Thursday 9th Feb at 6pm GMT / 1pm EST (US)
Where I will be showing you our strategy for using email marketing to profitably grow our subscription box in 2023.
It’s called How to Sign Up 5-50 New Subscribers Per Day Using Simple Email Marketing
If you are ready to stop struggling to grow your box with no plan or structure, then this training is for you.
Because –
When the student is ready, the teacher appears. – Buddha
Final thought:
We spend all of our lives trying to appear to be good at something, even right from the start.
Doing something and doing it badly is seen as a negative and something to hide. Our school systems punish mistakes rather than encourage people to try something new and fail.
If you embrace failure, and see it as feedback – You can use the feedback to plan your next move.
95% of things you try will not work, simply chalk that into the ‘no’ pile and move on.
“But Gary, failure hurts!”
It sure does but it’s the only way you can learn.
I looked at YouTube videos before I went skiing and while it helped for the first 10 minutes of the first day (because I knew how to clip in my skis) after that it was all learning by doing.
So in order to push into the fun zone, get started with your business.
Embrace failure, get back up, and keep climbing that mountain, or in my case try to slide down it without breaking your neck LOL