Book I’m reading: Expert Secrets By Rusell Brunson
Not all marketing is created equal
When we were about 2/3 years into our journey we came across Rusell Brunson and his teaching about expert secrets and funnels and everything
I modelled our emails off of his
We created funnels for BusterBox
We did most of what he said (probably poorly executed admittedly)
It didn’t work
It was only a few years later I realised
What he was teaching is correct and does work
But it doesn’t work all that well for subscription boxes (in most cases)
If you are selling a course or coaching and you position yourself as an expert
Then it will work
But not when you are a brand that delivers a product
YOU are not the product, you just sell the product
Your box and business are a brand
I made the mistake of being ‘Gary Redmond from BusterBox’
Telling stories and things about myself & our box and where it came from
It didn’t make any sense really for an e-commerce brand to be marketed in this way
The lesson:
It’s very important to model what is working for others in your industry
You can end up running down alleyways with tactics that don’t work to grow your box
They do work for courses, coaching consulting BTW
For sub boxes – here’s my go-to plan:
Optimise your website to convert
Set up an email capture & sales sequence
Drive traffic via ads

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If you have good team members, but little work for them to do, think outside the box.
This came up this week, our tickets have been surprisingly slow, but our team is very very good, so rather than reduce their hours or let one of them go we brainstormed some blind spots in our business where they could be put to good use.
If it works, they now push the business forward as well as dealing with CS queries, if it goes well for them in the new role, they will be promoted and we’ll hire someone else to answer tickets.
It’s interesting to try and build a positive company culture, especially considering 6 years ago we were 3 idiots with no prior experience whatsoever in business. One good thing was we hated corporate life where you don’t like your job, you get overlooked for promotion, and you generally hate your boss LOL. We never want that atmosphere to come into our business.
So we always look to empower people, promote from within and let people grow alongside us and the company.